Sunday, 14 September 2008

time and other pressures....

... mean that a blog is at the bottom of a very long list of things to do! However, I feel there should be a brief update as to what we did with the information we asked you to provide. So here goes:

We have (pretty much) put together a piece called "How Far Are You Willing To Go?" - it's a short dance theatre piece that will be performed as part of Cloud Dance Festival: Dream On on Sunday 28th September at Chisenhale Dance Space. The company now consists of 6 performers, Meaghan Brister, Iris Calheiros, Berit Kuennecke, Despina Mavrou, Paula So Man Siu and Emily Waits. We are using music by my dear friend Sudha, whose work inspired the piece's title as well as its tempo.

Following the performance, we will probably be taking a break for a while. I am about to start a PGCE (teacher training), which is pretty much a full-time thing X2 for a year. But Piece By Piece will be back sooner or later, so don't you worry!

Thanks for reading, now go to the Cloud Dance Festival website and buy your tickets!

